get it out of your head!

Lice infestations, also known as pediculosis, can be uncomfortable, itchy + can lead to a swollen irritated scalp. It is a common misconception that only children get lice. When gone untreated, lice are spread much faster + stronger. While lice do not carry disease, they can cause secondary infections if the skin is scratched excessively.

Curifly Exfoliating Shampoo contains jojoba beads to soothe the scalp when infested, leading to a quick & relaxing healing process. Lice infestations are generally treated with over-the-counter or prescription medications that kill the lice - these treatments may be applied to the scalp + hair or taken orally. Many of these treatments are harsh on the scalp + gut flora + create more long term discomfort.

The difference between us + them is Curifly products do not focus on killing the lice - they paralyze the lice by dehydrating them + loosening the glue off the eggs. Because we take a different approach, our products contain no harsh chemicals or toxins making them the perfect balance of gentle + effective.

Lice can be a source of embarrassment + social stigma for those who are infested. This is where Curifly comes in, we have created aesthetically appealing products that fit your countertops, embarrassment free.

Lice infestations are relatively common + can affect people of all ages, socio-economic backgrounds + cultures. While they are not a serious health risk, they can be a nuisance + cause discomfort, + it is important to take steps to prevent their spread. Curifly Conditioning Balm is your next bestie, since it contains neem. Neem oil is an herbal elixir used in ayurvedic medicine as an anti-bacterial. Its anti-fungal properties help get rid of dandruff, lice as well as many hair disorders. Combining neem with good hygiene practices, such as avoiding close head-to-head contact with others, avoiding sharing personal items + regularly washing bedding + clothing, can help to reduce the risk of lice infestation + lead you the road of recovery!